- SIX has decided to extend the acceptance period of the tender offer for BME to ensure all shareholders have the time and means to make a decision on the acceptance of the Offer
- SIX will pay EUR 32.98 per share after adjusting the offer price by the gross amount of an additional dividend of EUR 0.42 per share that BME will distribute on 8th May 2020, as announced in the Offer prospectus
- SIX’s initial Offer price was EUR 34 per share. All BME shareholders have received since the launch of the Offer an amount of EUR 1.02 in dividends, distributed by BME in December 2019 and April 2020
Zurich and Madrid, 7 May 2020
SIX Group AG (“SIX”), the Swiss financial markets infrastructure operator, announced today that it has extended the acceptance period of its all-cash voluntary tender offer for 100% of the share capital of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (“BME”), operator of the Spanish stock exchanges and cornerstone of Spain’s capital markets, from 11th May to 5th June. Amidst a nationwide lockdown in Spain, SIX has made this decision to ensure all shareholders have the time and means to decide on the acceptance of the Offer. The company is aware of the exceptional circumstances Spain is going through given the lockdown restrictions generated by the Covid-19 outbreak.
During the extended acceptance period, shareholders may tender their shares to receive EUR 32.98 per BME share, all in cash. As announced in the Offer prospectus, the price of the Offer has been adjusted by the gross amount of an additional dividend of EUR 0.42 per share that BME will distribute on 8th May 2020, which was approved by BME’s Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting on 29th April 2020. SIX believes that the proposed transaction represents an attractive financial proposition for the current shareholders of BME and encourages them to tender their shares in the voluntary tender offer.
For further information on the Offer, please refer to the prospectus of the Offer and its ancillary documentation as authorised by the CNMV, which has been available to the public in electronic format from the day following the publication of the first announcement described in Article 22.1 of Royal Decree 1066/2007 at the websites of CNMV (www.cnmv.es), the Governing Companies of the Stock Exchanges of Madrid (www.bolsamadrid.es), Barcelona (www.borsabcn.es), Valencia (www.bolsavalencia.es) and Bilbao (www.bolsabilbao.es), SIX Group AG (www.six-group.com), and BME (www.bolsasymercados.es).
For media enquiries, please contact:
- SIX: Jürg Schneider, Head Media Relations: +41 583992227 juerg.schneider@six-group.com
- UK: Brunswick Group: Gill Ackers, Stuart Donnelly: +44 207 404 5959 gackers@brunswickgroup.com; sdonnelly@brunswickgroup.com
- Spain: Estudio de Comunicación: Aída Prados: +34 91 576 5250; aprados@estudiodecomunicacion.com; o Cecilia Díaz: +34 91 576 5250; cdiaz@estudiodecomunicacion.com
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Pour de plus amples informations, Jürg Schneider est à votre entière disposition.
À propos de SIX
SIX fournit et exploite une infrastructure stable et efficace pour les places financières en Suisse et en Espagne, assurant ainsi l’accès aux marchés des capitaux et le flux d’informations et d’argent entre les acteurs des marchés financiers. En tant que prestataire mondial d’informations financières, SIX fournit des données de référence, de tarification, d’opérations sur titres et ESG de haute qualité, ainsi que des services réglementaires et des indices à ses clients dans le monde entier. Détenue par ses utilisateurs (plus de 120 banques), la société est forte d’un effectif de 4160 employés et d’une présence dans 19 pays.