Cybercrime, one of the highest risks we are currently facing, is a fast-growing concern for all business across all industries. This year’s event provides an overview on the latest developments and gives insights into how to better handle cybercrime. Join the National Cyber Security Event presented by SIX, Swiss Risk Association (SRA) and Swiss Finance Institute (SFI).

The event takes place on site and online.


18:00 Welcome (Jochen Dürr, SIX)
18:10 CyberCrime as a bizCase (Tom Schmidt, EY)
18:20 Overview of current threats (Alexander Hagenah, SIX)
18:30 Academia (Prof. Laurent Frésard, SFI & USI)
18:40 Future Threats: Quantum Computing (Stefan Schorsch, McKinsey)
18:50 Deep Fake (Greg Tarr, Inferex)
19:00 Panel / Q&A  (all, moderated by Sandro Schmid, LPA & SRA)


  • Tom Schmidt: Partner at EY, EMEIA Financial Services Consulting, EMEIA FSO Cybersecurity Competency Leader & Switzerland FSO Cybersecurity Leader
  • Alexander Hagenah: Head Cyber Controls at SIX Group
  • Prof. Laurent Frésard: SFI Senior Chair and Professor of Finance at Universita della Svizzera italiana (USI)
  • Stefan Schorsch: Associate Partner at McKinsey and Company
  • Greg Tarr: CEO at Inferex

Introduction by Jochen Dürr, Chief Risk Officer at SIX and Member of the SFI Foundation Board, Q&A moderation by Sandro Schmid, Swiss Risk Association and partner at LPA