SIX is a leading provider in the areas listing, trading and post-trading. This includes a comprehensive education and training offering with courses on the topics of financial markets, trading, post-trading and repo, encompassing mandatory trainings and exams for traders, but also a wide array of other financial market courses.

Our new website provides you with a comprehensive overview. You’ll find the complete course offerings for traders, back-office employees and customer advisors, for example in topic areas such as Investments, Markets & Products, Financing & Pensions and Regulation & Compliance. The latter are re-certification methods approved by the Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ) within the context of the certification system "Bank Customer Advisor". You can also experience live trading sessions as a dealer, market maker or day trader by managing own trades in our Trading Simulation.

We make you fit for the financial markets!

Lorenzo Martino, Head Client Education, SIX: "As financial markets change, continuous training gains in importance. Benefit from our wide range of educational offerings, which you can conveniently explore on a new website."

Discover our comprehensive course offering.