Today, the shares of Lalique Group SA (LLQ) were traded for the first time on SIX, opening at CHF 51.00 per share. This corresponds to a market capitalization of CHF 306 million. The issued share capital of Lalique Group SA comprises 6’000’000 registered shares (after the capital increase which was conducted ahead of the SIX Swiss Exchange listing) with a nominal value of CHF 0.20 per share. The listing is in accordance with the International Reporting Standard. The company will be included in the SPI on 26 June 2018. Lalique Group SA was delisted from BX Berne eXchange after the close of trading on 22 June 2018.
Lalique Group is a niche player in the creation, development, marketing and global distribution of luxury goods. Founded in 2000, the company employs approx. 600 staff and has its headquarters in Zurich:
Roger von der Weid, CEO Lalique Group: “Today's first trading day on SIX is an important milestone for Lalique Group. The capital increase enabled us to further strengthen the company's balance sheet. With the simultaneous change of listing from the BX to SIX, we want to further sharpen the Group's profile on the capital market. These two measures form a very good basis for further strategic steps.”
Jos Dijsselhof, CEO SIX, emphasizes: “The good trend in new arrivals on the Swiss stock exchange last year is already exceeded in the first half of the year this year. This underlines the major attractiveness of the Swiss stock exchange as a listing and trading venue. The luxury goods industry enjoys high relevance and attention in Switzerland. We are delighted to welcome Lalique Group, another company from this sector.”
Gateway to the international capital market
In the current year, seven companies have opted for a listing on the Swiss exchange: Lalique, Klingelnberg, Polyphor, CEVA Logistics, Medartis, Sensirion and ASMALLWORLD. A listing on SIX provides companies with access to strongly capitalized Swiss and international investors. An overview of all listings is available here.
Please do not hesitate to contact Julian Chan.
About SIX
SIX provides and operates stable and efficient infrastructure for the Swiss and Spanish financial centers, thus ensuring access to the capital markets and the flow of information and money between financial market players. As a global provider of financial information, SIX delivers high-quality reference, pricing, corporate actions, and ESG data and provides regulatory services and indices to clients around the world. The company is owned by its users (more than 120 banks) with a workforce of 4,160 employees and a presence in 19 countries.