In November 2024, the first edition of a new Fixed Income Market Report was published. What was the rationale behind it?

André Buck: The monthly Fixed Income Market Report should give investors and interested parties a quick and comprehensive overview of the listing and trading activities in the Swiss franc bond market. This is complementary to already existing reports and statistical material, so all asset classes are now covered. The existing newsletters are very popular, so the introduction of this fixed income newsletter was a logical consequence. The content is designed to be easy to read and visualized to illustrate trends and developments more clearly.

Who is the new Fixed Income Market Report for and how can they get it?

André Buck: I think especially investors and asset managers will appreciate the newsletter very much. But of course it is available to all actors of the Swiss financial marketplace and beyond. After all, accurate information is key to every decision, whether you’re an issuer, a trading firm or an investor. The subscription is free of charge, available via our website, where we’ll also create a repository of all editions. 

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What are the special features of the fixed income segment of SIX Swiss Exchange?

Ueli Goldener: The bond market on the Swiss stock exchange is truly international, with over 650 foreign issuers from more than 40 countries on five continents. That includes sovereigns, supranational organizations, corporates and financial institutions. The wide range of instruments includes straight bonds, floating-rate bonds, convertible bonds, exchangeable debt securities, asset-backed securities, green bonds and participation notes. They can be listed and traded in the most important currencies.

How has it developed recently?

Ueli Goldener: Currently, there are approximately 2,400 listed bonds, of which around a third were issued by international issuers. In addition, there are over 400 bonds admitted to trading, and the cumulative nominal volume of bonds listed on SIX Swiss Exchange amounts to over CHF 770 billion. In total, the bond segment saw 436 new listings in 2023, of which around 90% were denominated in Swiss Francs. So far this year, we’ve seen 349 listings per end of September, a few more than last year, while the volume is slightly lower, at CHF 85,8 billion. 

André, you are also responsible for the fixed income segment of the Spanish stock exchange BME. What are your plans?

André Buck: Indeed, I have the honour and duty to continue developing the Spanish bond market, which is both challenging and exciting with its diverse trading segments. We are currently pursuing various strategies, however it is too early to communicate at the moment. But there will certainly be a similar publication to the Swiss Fixed Income Market Report in the near future.

I’m also convinced that debt instruments will continue to be a key source of financing in both markets. Last year, around CHF 116 billion were raised in Switzerland, exceeding the CHF 100 billion mark for the second time in a row, whereas BME's Fixed Income markets channeled more than EUR 405 billion of new financing to the public and private sector, 8.7% more than in 2022.