About the Webinar
Duration: 1 hour, 6 minutes
Available On Demand
Securities firms are experiencing a major uptick in the volume of corporate actions (CA) that require decisions, more information, instructions, or are cross-border events. These complex CA events have important voluntary aspects or offer a choice and ever-tighter deadlines requiring investors to make decisions about overseas issuers, takeovers, and rights issues, for example. The follow-up instructions and information involve many steps and industry participants. These efforts have inherently high levels of operational and financial risk. The challenge now is for firms to process complex CA efficiently with fewer risky, manual steps. (In addition to a panel of industry representatives, the webinar will feature a longer and more in-depth Q&A session with online participants.)
Webinar Concepts and Questions:
On this webinar, panel speakers examine some of the following concepts and questions that have come up during our prior two corporate actions webinars, in addition to new questions we receive:
- What is the different regional level of concern about complex CA processing among financial services firms trying to stay on top of investors’ needs? How does North America compare to concerns in Europe and elsewhere?
- Are there too many participants in a CA chain to have standardized guidelines that streamline processing?
- How useful are data-driven models in mitigating risk in complex CA processing?
- What is holding back the greater usage of efficient data coding for CA events?
- What are some best practices that can help firms better manage the risks of complex CA processing?
- Can a firm satisfy the different data and processing needs of front and back-office Ops in a new, streamlined way?
- How can firms get the budgeting they need to make changes to mitigate the many risks of complex CA processing?