Global Market Data Survey

Global Market Data Survey

Coalition Greenwich & SIX

Survey Reveals Market Participants Prioritize Market Data Quality Over Cost

Coalition Greenwich, in a collaboration with SIX, interviewed 79 global buy-side and sell-side firms to confirm what drives their choice of market data vendor, what types and frequency of data these firms are buying and consuming and their views on anticipated future use cases, sources and delivery.

The vast majority of the market are investing more into data. However, far more thought and research is being put into which firm they will work with as a vendor. As sources of data and data types grow, there is more optionality in the vendor market than before without forgoing quality.

Key Findings

  • Data accuracy, data feed reliability and speed of delivery are more important than the rising cost of market data
  • The use of cloud technology and APIs in market data delivery is set to become more widespread
  • Growing demand for access to real-time market data

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