SMI/ The Swiss Market Index

SMI/ The Swiss Market Index

The Index for Switzerland’s Blue-Chip Equity Market

The Swiss Stock Exchange Barometer

For more than 30 years, customers from around the world have relied on the SMI as the baseline value for their index funds, mandates, ETFs, structured products, index derivatives and more.

The SMI covers around 80% of the Swiss equity market and is a strong indicator of Swiss economic success. 20 of Switzerland’s largest and most liquid companies are listed on the SMI, and three of its listed companies are in the top five highest capitalized companies in Europe.

Fully compliant with ESMA UCITS guidelines, the SMI also serves as a reference index for the Swiss market within the EU. 

Secure Your Index Data Package

The SMI forms an integral part of funds and products across the globe, granting exposure to Swiss economic prowess. Learn more about our index data packages and how you can integrate the SMI into your investment strategy.

About the SMI

After 30 years of tracking the Swiss market , SIX has built up an extensive library of resources, insight and support materials that are available here. From technical information about the index and its family of sub-indices, the composition of the SMI and its performance to more light-hearted conversations with clients and partners, it is all covered in this section.

  • Swiss Market Index SMI® Total Return

    The Swiss Market Index SMI® Total Return (SMIC) measures the development of the Swiss Blue Chip equity market. The 20 largest and most liquid equity instruments traded at SIX are selected as components.

    Open document

30 Years of Blue-Chip Swiss Equities

Since 1988, SMI has served as the leading indicator of the Swiss stock market and the Swiss economy as a whole. Read about the history of SMI, and discover how successful Swiss companies have made the SMI one of the most well-known benchmarks in the world. 

Celebrating 30 Years of Success

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the SMI, we asked SMI companies and issuers of index-based products for their views. Take a few minutes to watch the resulting video, look back on a vital piece of Swiss economic history and get a taste of how the SMI has grown in strength.

More Swiss Indices

For the Swiss market, a number of further indices are available, including the SMIM (SMI Mid) and the
SMI Expanded. The SMIM comprises the Swiss equity market’s next 30 largest mid-cap stocks outside the blue-chip SMI index. The SMI Expanded combines the 20 stocks from the SMI and 30 stocks from the SMIM, covering the 50 stocks with the highest capitalization and liquidity in the Swiss equity market. 


The use of SMI indices and their registered trademarks as well as the access to restrictive index data are governed by a licensing agreement. To request for an index data license, please get in touch with us. 

  • Index Business Support Team

    Contact the Index Business Support Team to discuss how you can use the Swiss Indices to support your investment strategy or for any queries related to licensing or permissioning of index data.

    • +41 58 399 2600
    Get in Touch
  • Swiss Index Technical Support

    Contact us for any technical questions related to Swiss Indices. We are happy to help you from 8:00 am to 6:30 pm CET on trading days.

    • +41 58 399 2229
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