About the SMIM

The SMIM (SMI Mid) comprises the 30 largest mid-cap stocks in the Swiss equity market that are not included in the blue chip SMI index. Like all other SSX equity indices, it is free-float-capital weighted, and only the tradable outstanding shares are taken into account in its calculation. As in the case of the SMI, the components are selected according to market capitalisation and turnover in the given shares. The SMIM is calculated both as a performance index and as a price index.

The SMIM was standardised at 1'000 points on 31 December 1999 for the performance index and at 100 points for the price index. It was introduced on 15 November 2004. In order to facilitate trading and comparability, on 2 August 2005 the price index was retroactively standardised at 1'000 points as of 31 December 1999. 

Launched on 15 Nov 2004                    History available since 3 Jan 1996

Key Product Information

  • SMIM® (SMI MID) Total Return

    The SMIM® (SMI MID) Total Return (SMIMC) index measures the development of the mid sized Swiss equity market represented by the 30 next most liquid and largest equity instruments traded at SIX that are not in SMI.

    Open document
  • SMIM® (SMI MID) Price

    The SMIM® (SMI MID) Price measures the development of the mid sized Swiss equity market represented by the 30 next most liquid and largest equity instruments traded at SIX that are not in SMI. The composition of SMIM together with the composition of SMI build the composition of the SMI Expanded.

    Open document
  • Swiss Index

    Methodology Rulebook Governing Equity and Real Estate Indices

    Open document

Daily Performance


Historical Index Data

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® SIX, SIX Index AG, SMI Indices, SMI, SMI Swiss Market Index, Swiss Market Index (SMI), SMIM, SMI MID (SMIM), SMI Expanded, SPI, Swiss Performance Index (SPI), SPI EXTRA, SPI ex SLI, SPI Select Dividend 20 Index, SPI 20, SPI Multi Premia Index, SPI Single Premia Indices, SPI Value Premium, SPI Size Premium, SPI Momentum Premium, SPI Low Risk Premium, SPI Quality Premium, SPI Residual Momentum Premium, SPI Reversal Premium, SLI, SLI Swiss Leader Index, SXI, SXI Real Estate, SXI Swiss Real Estate, SXI Life Sciences, SXI Bio+Medtech, SXI Switzerland Sustainability 25, SBI, SBI Swiss Bond Index, SAR, SAR SWISS AVERAGE RATE, SARON, SCR, SCR SWISS CURRENT RATE, SCRON, SAION, SCION, VSMI are registered/filed trademarks of SIX Index AG and their use must be licensed.