Swiss Responsible Equity Index
The Swiss Responsible Equity Index (SREI) measures the performance of SPI components with an Ethos ESG rating of A+, A- or B+ (on a scale from A+ to C).
Swiss Responsible Bond Index
The Swiss Responsible Bond Index (SRBI) measures the performance of SBI AAA-BBB components with an Ethos ESG rating of A+, A- or B+ (on a scale from A+ to C).
Ethos Swiss Corporate Governance Index
The Ethos Swiss Corporate Governance Index (ESCGI) measures the performance of SPI components that have appropriate corporate governance practices according to Ethos.
Raiffeisen Repo Index
The Raiffeisen Repo Index Domestic family tracks the performance of the bonds contained in the bond basket of the Swiss National Bank, which forms the basis of Switzerland's monetary policy.
SIX Structured Products Strategy Indices
The SIX Structured Products Strategy Indices enable investors to perform a transparent comparison of the performance of the main three categories of structured products as set out under the Swiss Derivative Map.
SWX IAZI Real Estate Indices
The SWX IAZI Real Estate Performance Index reflects the price developments of the SWX IAZI Real Estate Price Index as well as the net cash flow yield of the IAZI Swiss Property Benchmark®.