Instant Payments Bridge
A standard solution for connecting payment schemes to the SIC IP service
The Swiss National Bank (SNB) and SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd (SIC Ltd) have jointly established a new infrastructure – the SIC5 platform – to further develop the Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) system. This will enable financial institutions to process instant payments in central bank money. In the future, the SIC-IP service (Instant Payments service of the SIC system) will also be available to interested providers of payment solutions (payment schemes) for their account-to-account (A2A) payments. Together with the SNB, financial institutions and various market participants, SIC Ltd launched the "Scheme-on-Scheme" project in the fall of 2002 to discuss how standardized and non-discriminatory access to payment schemes could be regulated. This resulted in a rough concept for an "Instant Payments Bridge" (IPB), which led to a public market consultation upon completion of the project on 15 August 2024.
Market Consultation
The objective of the market consultation is to inform the financial community about the IPB. On the other hand, the relevant market participants should provide structured feed-back on the initial ideas presented in the rough concept "Design principles of a 'SIC Instant Payments Bridge' for the SIC-IP service".
All interested parties are invited to submit their comments on the rough concept via the feedback form by 30 September 2024 at the latest. In addition to general additions and comments, the project team specifically requests feedback on a number of additional questions.
At the conclusion of the market consultation, the team will prepare a consultation report that will serve as a basis for further action by the relevant decision-making bodies.
Consultation Documents
The completed feedback form must be submitted by e-mail to
Rough Concept: Design Principles of a "SIC Instant Payments Bridge" for the SIC IP Service
A rough description of the planned IPB design
Feedback Form: Market Consultation "Instant Payments Bridge"
Pre-formatted feedback form for participation in the market consultation on the submitted "Rough concept SIC Instant Payments Bridge". A reading guide in the feedback form explains how to use the form.
Instant Payments Bridge – Purpose and Function
Payment schemes should be able to process payments via the SIC-IP service. For this pur-pose, they deliver transactions to the financial institutions and thus indirectly to the SIC system. The IPB standardizes the connection of the payment schemes and thus realizes this access to the SIC-IP service. If required, it provides functionalities to simplify the indi-rect submission and/or technical components for the payment systems.
Execution of A2A money transfers in real time 24x7x365
Since August 2024, financial institutions in Switzerland have been able to offer their customers instant payments around the clock. It only takes a few seconds for a transaction to move from the payer's account to the beneficiary's account.
Future-proof infrastructure
Provision of an efficient, modern and future-oriented A2A payment infrastructure for Switzerland.
Non-discriminatory access
Non-discriminatory "level playing field" access to the basic infrastructure for payment schemes to foster innovation and use cases for A2A payments.
Additional Information on the "Scheme-on-Scheme" Project Process
On behalf of the Board of Directors of SIC Ltd, the project team first examined various solution approaches, resulting in three central design principles. These were approved by the Board. They formed the basis for the initial conceptual work. The project team then created a landing page and invited interested market participants to contact them by the end of January 2024 in order to discuss various solutions and identify any requirements in an "interaction phase".
Eleven market players accepted the invitation and took part in the interaction phase. In workshops, the project team reviewed the established design principles and collected ideas and requirements from the market participants. The aim was to identify the "lowest common denominator" to enable payments from payment schemes or other third-party providers via the SIC-IP service in the future.
Following the workshops, the project team assessed the collected requirements for materiality and feasibility and prepared an initial consolidation. This was then resubmitted to the participating market players and discussed with various financial institutions. In several iterations, the project team further refined the consolidated picture and developed the current rough concept. The project was concluded with the start of the market consultation on the rough concept.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Instant Payments Bridge, please contact us using the form below.
Scheme-on-Scheme Payment Processing
Development of a standard solution for connecting payment schemes to the SIC-IP service
To further develop the Swiss payment system Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC system), the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd (SIC Ltd) have jointly established a new infrastructure - the SIC5 platform - to enable financial institutions to process instant payments (IP) in central bank funds. In future, this new SIC-IP service will also be made accessible to interested payment schemes for their account-to-account (A2A) payments. A so-called "scheme-on-scheme" is intended to regulate standardized and non-discriminatory access for payment schemes.
Execution of instant A2A money transfers 24/7/365
From August 2024, financial institutions in Switzerland will be able to offer their customers instant payment at all times. It only takes a few seconds for a transaction to travel from the payer's account to the payee's account.
Sustainable infrastructure
Provision of an efficient, modern and future-oriented A2A payment infrastructure for Switzerland.
Non-discriminatory access
Non-discriminatory "Leveled Playing Field" access to the basic infrastructure for payment schemes, with the aim of promoting innovation and use cases in the area of A2A payments..
Scheme-on-Scheme – briefly explained
A payment scheme is a set of rules for processing payments. It normally consists of a technical infrastructure and rules that the scheme participants must comply with. The Scheme-on-Scheme project aims to design non-discriminatory access for payment schemes to the SIC-IP service in a standardized and universal way. Access should ensure payment processing with existing or future payment schemes and facilitate the launch of innovative offers.
Measures taken to date to implement the Scheme-on-Schemes
Since fall 2023, SIC AG has been working on the design of a Scheme-on-Scheme solution. In order to determine the needs of payment schemes regarding the processing of payments via Scheme-on-Scheme, SIC Ltd is currently in contact with all payment schemes that have registered for an interaction phase via the SIX website by 31.01.2024. The aim of this interaction is to jointly identify requirements for the Scheme-on-Scheme in order to incorporate these into the final Scheme-on-Scheme concept if necessary.
Status quo and contact for personal questions
Registration for the interaction phase for payment schemes was completed at the end of January. The inclusion of further payment schemes will be considered again at a later date. Following the current interaction phase, the concepts developed are expected to be submitted to a public consultation process from May 2024 to enable feedback from interested parties. The current plan is to publish an initial version of the scheme-on-scheme concept in mid-2024. We will inform you of the exact date here in time.