Reference Data Service

Reference Data Service

Comprehensive Information on Legal Entities and Associated Financial Instruments

High-Quality Data to Enable Compliance

SIX provides you with one of the world’s most comprehensive financial information databases. It seamlessly links all data associated with a company and its securities.

Our reference data service captures the broadest range of information. We cover, among other things, legal entities, financial instruments, corporate events, and valuation pricing information.

The information on key data attributes enables faultless compliance with regulatory and audit requirements. When it comes to reference data, SIX sees everything, everywhere you need us to.

How You Will Benefit

Structured Reference Data to Meet Complex Business Needs

From our bases in major financial centers worldwide, our reference data helps customers to function in a round-the-clock global operating environment. It also supports the important role of a strong security master as compliance and regulatory data challenges increase.

The reference data from SIX enables customers to maximize their automation levels and process high data volumes in a timely manner. This boosts efficiency and cuts costs.

Customers access our reference data through powerful display terminals, flexible FTP services, and tailored feed products.

Nerin Demir, Head Repo

Our global reference data coverage helps customers to improve their operational efficiency and achieve regulatory compliance – now and in the future.

Dominique Tanner, Head Content Management, SIX

SIX Counterparty Pricing Service (CPS)

This service helps clients with the sourcing and dissemination of OTC valuation reports and provides a series of data points (bid, ask, fair value, NAV, turnover, open interest, settlement, close etc.). Accuracy is facilitated through a series of examinations of the counterparty reports (tolerance checks, stale price checks, following up with each of the counterparties on their stale prices etc.)

Clients Benefits:

  • Reduced operational costs associated with processes required to manage the various valuation reports 
  • Less time spent on liaising directly with the various counterparties
  • Newly traded OTC products are actively monitored and managed from product setup to pricing

With SIX CPS, we provide a one-stop service of consolidating counterparty prices, taking care of the additional validation work, checking the prices and potentially following up with the individual counterparties so that clients can focus on what they do best.

Every Security Master Needs a Data Passport

Do you know the quality and provenance of your financial data?


About This Service

Our database provides comprehensive basic securities data, covering new issues and changes to existing securities. Its sophisticated data structure seamlessly links all data elements associated with a security. We structure reference data to enable customers to achieve the highest possible level of automation.

Reference Data: Service Overview

SIX provides you with one of the world’s most comprehensive securities databases. 

Available Data & Delivery Options

  • Master security data, covering new issues and changes to existing securities
  • Rates
  • Offering and special interest conditions
  • Issuance and conversion conditions
  • Repayment terms
  • Parent company details
  • Instrument classifications
  • Investment regulations
  • Fund asset allocations

Basic data for institutions associated with the instruments featured in the database from SIX covers:

  • Issuers
  • Lead managers
  • Paying agents
  • Custodians
  • Stock exchanges
  • Rating agencies
  • Industry sector codes
  • Trading calendars

Evaluated Pricing - Proven defensibility at your fingertips

Today’s regulatory environment, market volatility, and increasing demands for greater transparency have established evaluated pricing as a key input for managing daily portfolio servicing needs and for managing risk generally.

To  meet  that  need,  the  SIX  Evaluated  Pricing  Service (EPS) for fixed income and OTC derivatives sets a new benchmark for transparency, enabling clients to comply with accounting, auditing, and regulatory requirements in a cost-effective way.

Transparent and independent

SIX EPS can be broadly split into two complementary components:

  • A core EP service for most widely held plain vanilla fixed income securities including high yield, investment grade, emerging market, government, supranational and agency debt, money market, government inflation linked bonds, select private placements. In addition to this we offer over 2000 fixed income bond issuer, sector, ratings and swap curves
  • A satellite offering that adds to our core competency where  prices  are  sourced  from  third  parties  who  specialize in particular fixed income sub-asset classes and selected OTC derivatives.  Our primary satellite offering covers asset backed bonds (MBS, CMBS, ARMS and other MBS derivatives) where SIX partners with JP Morgan’s Pricing Direct

Our offering is an unbiased and completely independent pricing  service  with  no  vested  interests.  We  offer  complete model transparency for our core offering: there is no black-box effect.

Is Your Financial Data Really Safe to Travel?

Data is the fuel for financial markets yet major institutions are at great operational and regulatory risk of acting on stale or incorrect information. Just as your passport is proof of your identity, financial services firms need to understand data lineage. Do we now need a financial “data passport”?

  • Need Reliable Data?

    Get our high-quality reference data!

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