Index Insights Newsletter

Index Insights Newsletter

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Decrement Indices on the SMI

On 24 January 2022, we expanded our range of strategy indices with the successful launch of the new SMI Decrement Indices. With this index type, the total return of an equity index is debited with a fixed, predefined amount - the decrement. The decrement amount can be deducted in the form of a fixed annualized percentage value or a fixed annualized index point value. The decrement is often called “synthetic dividend”. The main goal of decrement indices is to mitigate the uncertainty surrounding dividends. Recently, structured products, which use dividend-decrement indices as the underlying, have become increasingly popular.
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ESG Indices for the Swiss Capital Markets

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important driver for investment decisions, which is why SIX launched reliable, sustainable and independent ESG indices for the Swiss equity and bond market in February 2021. These indices select the most sustainable issuers depending on certain ESG factors with the SBI AAA-BBB and SPI as a base universe. Less sustainable companies are excluded based on three exclusion criteria (ESG rating, critical sector turnover and norms-based screening). The ratings and sector turnover are aggregated by the Swiss rating agency Inrate, thus guaranteeing a certain degree of independence. The growth of assets and the popularity of financial products based on the SIX ESG indices underline the importance of sustainable Swiss indices.
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SARON has successfully replaced Libor as the CHF reference interest rate as of the end of 2021. The Compounded SARON calculator is available to the market, which shows the compounded interest rate based on the SARON for all date combinations of the last 12 months (including non-trading days). The calculator is free for non-professional users and has a built-in delay of three trading days. The full data is available to licensees for download from the Index Data Center and allows for bulk processing of multiple date combinations.
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