SIX Tax Score<sup>®</sup>

SIX Tax Score®

Helping Wealth Advisors to Make Tax-Intelligent Investment Decisions

Your Unique Competitive Advantage

SIX Tax Score® leverages and complements the financial information provided by SIX with additional tax information, in order to support Portfolio Managers and Wealth Advisors in providing tax transparent investment advice.

We deliver our clients with superior tax data they can easily call upon to understand the tax implications and make the right investment decision.

Our data service presents an easily interpretable score, along with supporting data attributes, that enable the client advisor to provide tax intelligent investment advice to their end client residing in a specific tax domicile.

How You Will Benefit

The Tax Data Challenge

Private investors are becoming more demanding and are looking for added-value services. They are increasingly asking for information on the tax implications of their investments. Client Advisors need enriched tax data on instrument level that are taking into account their clients’ profile as well as their investment portfolio structure in order to make tax intelligent investment decisions and optimize their portfolios.

These requirements can become hard to meet with current tax rules mostly available in the form of heavy tax manuals provided by consulting tax experts. SIX Tax Score® helps Client Advisors by analyzing the tax consequences of financial products and providing them with a tax efficiency score on an individual security level, while anticipating tax-related costs of an investment on that security.

Ralf Rühling

Developing know-how on generic tax implications in a cross-border framework is a time-consuming process that Client Advisors cannot always afford to go through.

Jürg Stalder, Senior Product Manager, SIX

SIX Tax Score Explained

This industry-first tax data service for the investment advisory is designed to analyse the tax consequences of financial products, and is available to banks, wealth managers and asset managers in the form of a benchmark.

About This Service

Together with one of the Big Four tax specialists, SIX has defined asset-class based Tax Rules and a scoring algorithm  in order to provide you with a mixture of factual information and implied/derived information. Based on country and asset class specific rule sets, we perform a series of sophisticated calculation to reach superior and insightful tax information. 

SIX Tax Score®: Service Overview

Gain a unique competitive advantage by helping your investors to understand the tax implications and make tax intelligent decisions.

Daily Calculation of Tax Scores for Financial Instruments

For each active financial instruments belonging to the asset classes covered (Equity, Fixed Income, Funds, Securitized Derivatives), SIX calculates a tax score indicator per Tax jurisdiction of end-investors (currently CH, FR, UK, IT, ES, LUX). The calculation of tax scores is performed daily as the input parameters of the calculations (price, performance, fiscal treatment of income Corporate Actions) are dynamic.

SIX Tax Score® Dataset Is Delivered to You

  • The tax scores indicating the after-tax performance of the underlying financial instrument.
  • Informative fields (Effective tax rate, Max tax rate) used in the tax score calculation for you to better understand the tax implications.
  • Calculation period indicator to indicate the theoretical holding period on which the calculation has been based on.
  • SIX Tax Score® underlying data model ensures new effective tax rates are applied instantly in the scoring algorithm.

Provide Tax Intelligent Investment Advice

Thanks to the tax score, you are now able to compare two financial instruments from their after-tax performance perspective. With this readily available tax information, you no longer need to rely on lengthy country tax manuals. Finally, you can better assess your end-client investment performance by looking at the aggregated after-tax performance of their portfolio.