

Raising Debt Capital with SIX Swiss Exchange

The Swiss Debt Capital Market – Truly International

Investors have a choice of over 2,300 listed bonds and of more than 600 admitted-to-trading bonds. The type of bonds encompass a wide range and such bonds are denominated in all major currencies. The bonds are issued by over 400 issuers from around the world, spanning all continents. The aggregated nominal volume of SIX listed bond instruments exceeds CHF 760 billion.

Your Benefits on SIX Swiss Exchange

Further Benefits for Bond Issuers

Switzerland’s financial center boasts several key advantages that contribute to its global prominence. It offers access to Deep Pools of Capital via its banks, insurance companies and funds located or active in Switzerland. The political, economic, and social stability make it an attractive hub for financial activities. Bond issuers on the Swiss market enjoy high liquidity and visibility, attracting both local and international investors. Swiss franc-denominated bonds may be included in the Swiss Bond Index (SBI), enhancing their visibility and appeal. 

Furthermore, Switzerland hosts a diverse range of issuers and investors, contributing to a vibrant marketplace. Operating on a global scale the Swiss financial center serves as an international marketplace. Swiss bonds are predominantly highly rated, providing confidence to investors, while our currency diversification, especially against the Euro area, increase the appeal for investors. Despite its prominence, the Swiss market maintains also comparably small bond issue sizes, averaging CHF 200-250 million.  Last but not least, Switzerland’s regulatory framework differs from the EU Prospectus Directive/Regime, providing unique advantages for issuers.

Bond Listing At-a-Glance

Frequently Asked Questions: Understanding Bond Listing and Trading on SIX

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