Structured Products Market Report
Report providing comprehensive information on the Swiss market for structured products.
Frequency: Monthly -
Structured Products Market Report Express
Report showing all key developments on the market for structured products.
Frequency: Monthly -
Structured Products Strategy Indices
Three strategy indices enabling a performance comparison of an individual product with the indexed average in the respective investment category.
Frequency: Bi-monthly -
ETF Market Report
Report showing development in the ETF segment.
Frequency: Quarterly -
Crypto Products Report
Report showing development in the crypto segment.
Frequency: Monthly -
Exchanges Newsletter
Latest news on all topics concerning SIX Swiss Exchange, BME Exchange and SDX.
Frequency: Quarterly -
IPO Insights Newsletter
Newsletter providing information regarding developments in the primary Swiss and international capital markets.
Frequency: Half-yearly -
SwissAtMid Monthly Execution Report
Get the latest statistics for SwissAtMid, our liquidity pool without pre-trade transparency which also enables successful block transactions.
Frequency: Monthly -
SIX Indices Newsletters
Subscribe to the SIX Indices Newsletter Service for current information on asset classes, new developments, products and events.
Trading InfoSnack
Stay on top of all topics concerning trading at SIX Swiss Exchange.
Frequency: ad hoc
Further Reading
The Newsroom of SIX contains all the news published by SIX Swiss Exchange, including coverage of the latest IPOs, product issuers of ETFs, ETPs or Structured Products joining, new trading participants, updates on new offerings and trading services, milestones and statistics, whitepapers and interviews...
To the Newsroom